I'm super excited about 2018 and all that God has in store for the body of Christ!!

Recently I was releasing a spontaneous facebook live and the Lord gave me clarity on somethings that were going to happen in 2018. (If you want to hear that facebook live word go to my fan page "Keith Ferrante".) He said that those that have been persevering over the last 10 years concerning words God had spoken to them would see those words begin to come forth this year. He told me that this year would be the year of breakthrough and that there would be four levels to this breakthrough. The four levels were four three month cycles that would take us all the way to the end of the year. 

1. The first three months would be the discovery of the new platform of influence for those that had contended for a greater breakthrough in their own lives and ministries over the last years. 

2. The second three months would be the establishment of that platform.

3. The third three months would be where partners were found to help grow that new platform.

4. Finally, the last three months of the year would be the establishment of that new platform for the next ten years of growth and influence. 

So God is promising an unfolding breakthrough in your life until that breakthrough to greater platform and influence becomes completely established. 

That's exciting. I'm excited about that. I'm taking this word very personally. I'm pressing in to discover what this new platform is for me. Writing this blog is apart of my new platform. I'm stepping into getting my voice out there more so people's lives can be encouraged and impacted. What platform are you looking to step into? What have been the prophetic words of the last years that God has shown you? What are you going to do about those words? Are you going to just sit on them or are you going to lay hold of them until they become reality. The Lord promised that those who have persevered and stayed the course over the last years would be rewarded. The reward is the fulfillment of the prophetic words God spoke to you. He wants to reward you, but you have to keep pressing in. 

One of the keys to pressing in is to keep your joy alive. Stay thankful! Rejoice in all that God is doing! He wants to reward you. Some of your platforms will be greater influence at your work. Others of you will start businesses that you've been pressing into for years.  Others will find your voice and start strategically releasing what you have to say through media, books, cds, and every platform available to you. 

God is looking for those whose hearts are fully devoted to him so he can strengthen them. Are you fully committed? He wants to strengthen you! This is your year! Don't give up now. I know some of you have fought so hard for so many years! Now is not the time to quit when you are so close. Who knows what you are going to see these next three months as you keep doing the same thing you were doing before. There comes a time when finally the resistance has to break. There is always reward! I'm so excited to see you find that reward. I'd love to hear about your new breakthroughs this year. I'm going to let you hear about mine too! 

Much grace and favor on you as you press in to all the words God has spoken over you! He has a rich reward for you!! 

(If this blog encouraged you I'd love you to comment below or share it with others!!)